Saturday, July 7, 2007

Top Three

There are 25 horses and your objective is to find the fastest 3 among them. You can conduct races and the number of horses participating in a single race is 5. Calculate the minimum number of races by which you can find the top three?

Note : Races gives you positions and races are not timed.


Rakesh B.S said...

min no: of races required is 7..

Anoop said...

That is correct dude

anzal said...

do u mind explaining.....

Rakesh B.S said...

ok.. first divide the 25 horses into 5 grps a,b,c,d,e and conduct the race.. let a1 be the horse tat comes first in grp a, a2 be the horse tat comes second and so on..

now grp a1,b1,c1,d1,e1 together and conduct a race. let a1 be the winner of this. so u got the first place horse.. let b1 and c1 be 2nd and ed in this race.

now u need to find the second and third place horse. we r sure tat the grp d and e does nt contain the horse.

so the 2nd and third place winners maybe 2 of a2,a3,b1,b2,c1

So race them together and u will get the 2nd and 3rd place winner.

will type a better solution later :D hope this is ok..

Anoop said...

That is the best solution ..
is there anything better?

Rakesh B.S said...

i was talkin abt my explanation.. i typed it in a hurry :D

anzal said...

thanks da....

Rakesh B.S said...

u r welcome :)