Saturday, July 7, 2007

Coins on the table problem

There is a table on which a number of coins are placed. You also know that there are as many coins with Head up as many coins with Tail up. Now you have to divide the coins (number of coins is even) into two equal piles such that number of coins with Heads up and Tails up in either piles be the same. The catch is you are blind folded and you cannot determine the sides (for sure) if you are blinded.. How will u do it?


Anoop said...

I got it partially correct..butissing the first step
well once you divide it into two equal halves all u need to do is flipping any coins and by the time you complete one round of flipping you would have achieved the condition.
I am still thinking how i could divide we know the total number of coins? or is it necessary to divide into exactly two equal halves?

Rakesh B.S said...

being blind folded doesnt mean tat u cant count :D..

Anoop said...

still total number is not given ..k then count till u finish all the coins ..then take half of those coins and start flipping that fine?

Anoop said...

rakesh by the by got many unsolved puzzles ..i will try posting them ..pls help me solving it .. i hope you people wont mind posting unsolved puzzles..

Rakesh B.S said...

yea move 1 by 1 alternatively to 2 sides :) is it anoop from our class or thomas sir's son??

Rakesh B.S said...

u keep posting.. i luv puzzles..

Rakesh B.S said...

all of us will try to get the solution :) sum1 will be able to crack it eventually.. :D

Anoop said...

oh thanks man that was cool.. liked it
well i am thomas sirs son

Rakesh B.S said...

thn i hav studied wit u in TIME for crash course.. u may nt remember me..

Anoop said...

ya i might recall if i see u
well it is not good to chat in here ..u in orkut?
i am there in sandeeps friend list ..i couldnt find u ther ..can u add me?

Unknown said...

Make a single pile of all the coins and count total no. of coins. Make the pile with coins head up or tail up by flipping the side. At the end you would know the total no. of coins. Divide the pile into two and turn one pile ups and down. Is this right.....