Sunday, July 15, 2007

Glass half full???

You are in an empty room and you have a transparent glass of water. The glass is a right cylinder, and it looks like it's half full, but you're not sure. How can you accurately figure out whether the glass is half full, more than half full, or less than half full? You have no rulers or writing utensils.


Sandeep said...

Being a right cylinder you can tilt the cylinder and if the cylinder is half full then u could get a diagonal across the tip and bottom.If it is more than half u will not get an exact diagonal as it would overshoot from the base.And if it is less then half it would not touch the opposite side of the tip.....

anzal said...


Rakesh B.S said...

kalla meeshu.. :p

Sandeep said...

hehe..i told u da....:D

Anonymous said...

hi this is a very good puzzle
i have an answer,but i dont think it the best one
it is by using our fingers
keeping one finger parallel to the cylinder and another perpendicular to it at the surface of the water
what i mean to say is the top intersection point of the two fingers gives the exact length of the water from bottom
now start from that point and measure the upper part glass with out removing ur fingers out of contact which is the length of the water surface
now if the top intersection exceeds the top edge of the glass then the water is more than half
if the point does not exceeds the top edge then the water is less than half
if the point coincides with the top edge then the water is exactly half..
if u say the height of the cylinder is more thanur finger
than i will say repeat the same with ur hand
this is my answer
but what i think is what sundeep said is the best answer.

Aditya Muralidhar said...

Hmm... feel the inner glass wall which is empty.. if its wet, then it is half empty... if its dry.. then its half full

Chankey Pathak said...

Tilt the glass till the water comes upto the brim. If the glass is exactly half filled, then the 2 ends of the water will be the brim and the upper bottom of the tilted glass. If the water is less than half, the water level will be lower than the upper bottom of the tilted glass and vice versa. This is possible because, the glass is a right circular cylinder, which means that the length of the radius is equal to the height of the cylinder. Another explanations is through the volumes. If the glass is half full, then the volume of the water must be ∏ rˆ3/2 . And if the tilted glass has the water level touching the brim and the upper bottom of the glass then their volume will also be V/2 .